Ends of This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy details how we handle your personal information when you use our website. It aims to inform you about how we collect, store, use, and protect your personally identifiable information. We collect personal information only when you interact with our site, such as by registering for our services or by using our website. Ensuring the security of your personal information is of utmost importance to us.
Personal Details We Acquire
Information you give us When you visit this website you may be asked to provide certain information about yourself, including your name and contact details. Automatic Information We automatically receive and save certain types of information whenever you interact with this website. We use the information to monitor website traffic and to assist with the navigation and user experience of the website. Information that we will automatically receive includes:
  • Requested URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
  • IP (Internet Protocol) address (this may or may not identify a specific computer)
  • Domain name from which you access the internet
  • Referring URL
  • Software (browser/operating system) used to access the page
  • Date and time pages were visited
Purpose of Your Data Collection

We will only use your personal information in the following ways:

  • when it is necessary for our legitimate interests:
    • to enable us to supply you with the products and services and information that you have requested
    • to help us in the development of, and to improve our products and services
    • to provide you with information about products or services that may be of interest to you, using the email address which you have provided or via social media
    • to invite you to participate in market research activities, such as responding to interview questions or completing online surveys
    • to send you marketing communications, and show you marketing communications on other websites (including social media sites where you are a member)
    • to ensure that content from our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and your computer
    • to automatically collect data about visitors to our site (for example browsing patterns) by using cookies
    • to maintain our website and ensure network and information security
    • to prevent and detect fraud and other criminal offences
  • as long as, in each case, these interests are in line with applicable law and your legal rights and freedoms; or
  • where you have agreed to this for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; or
  • where this is necessary for legal obligations which apply to us.
Marketing We may contact you for marketing purposes relating to our products and services and our website, unless you let us know that you do not want to receive marketing communications. We will only contact you for these marketing purposes by electronic means (email or SMS) where you have agreed to this. Your agreement to the use of your personal information for these purposes is optional and if you decline to provide your agreement, your visit to and use of the website will not be affected. Marketing opt out: you are entitled to opt out from receipt of marketing communications at any time and free of charge by using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy or by using the “unsubscribe” option included in any marketing e-mail received from us. Market research If contacting you to invite you to participate in market research projects, such as questionnaires or interviews, we will only use your personal data for the purpose of the specific project to which you have consented. That personal data will, once the project has been completed, be removed from our systems (see retention below).
Third-party Data Agreements
Company sometimes displays targeted advertisements based on personal information. Advertisers may assume that people who interact with, view, or click targeted ads meet the relevant targeting criteria (for example, men ages 18-24 from a particular geographic area). companydoes not provide any personal information to the advertiser when you interact with or view a targeted ad. However, by interacting with or viewing an ad you are consenting to the possibility that the advertiser will make the assumption that you meet the targeting criteria used to display the ad.

Data Storage and Security

Online Security Limitations Acknowledgement The internet does not offer a fully secure environment, and thus we cannot absolutely guarantee the security of your personal information. Access to your Personal Information will be granted only under the conditions specified in this Privacy Policy. We employ appropriate security measures for data stored in various formats to safeguard your personal information. Our systems, protected by advanced firewalls and 128-bit SSL encryption, ensure a high level of security for all user data. We also implement password protection and virus scanning for enhanced security of our digital platforms.